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Our admissions policies can be found in the POLICY area

For details on all Admissions and In-year Applications please apply directly to Chichester High School and call to arrange a visit.
Our contact at CHS is 
Mrs Mercer.

The current Published Admission Number (PAN) is 270 for all Years 7-11 groups.

The Academy, Chichester High School will admit students in accordance with The Schools Admissions Code 2014, Schools admissions appeals code and West Sussex County Council’s current admissions guidelines.

Where the Academy is oversubscribed the following considerations will be made

Applications for admission are considered in the following order of priority:

1. Children in public care, and those who have been in care and have been subsequently adopted or have been made subject of a residence order or special guardianship, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted

2. Children who need a place at the school on exceptional and compelling social, psychological or medical grounds.

3. Children who live within the catchment area with brothers or sisters already at the school who will still be attending when he/she starts.

4. Other children who live in the catchment area.

5. Children who live outside the catchment area with brothers or sisters already attending the school and who will still be there when he/she starts.

6. Other children who live outside the catchment area. 

In the case of oversubscription in any of the above categories, priority of placement is given to applicants who live nearest the school.

Please note:

Any child with an Education Health Care Plan naming the school will be admitted to the school in line with the conditions set out in The Academy policy. Parents/carers must provide written supporting evidence from an appropriately qualified person (usually a doctor or social worker) if they wish to apply under the exceptional and compelling social, psychological or medical grounds. The evidence should state clearly why the school asked for is the best one to meet the child’s specific needs. Letters from parents are not considered sufficient evidence. A panel of West Sussex senior education officers will decide whether the reasons expressed are sufficient to override the oversubscription criteria and allow admission on exceptional and compelling grounds and make recommendations to the governing body.

The term ‘parent’ includes other legal guardians.

A catchment area is a geographical area served by a specific school and defined on a map. Parents are informed of the catchment school for their home address. Maps are available from admissions.south@westsussex.gov.uk

Brothers or sisters may be half or step-siblings, adopted siblings or the child of the parent/carer’s partner but must be living permanently at the same address.

Distances are measured in a straight line from school to home using Ordnance Survey address point data from a central point in each building.

In year transfer applications should be completed through West Sussex County Council here

Deadline to apply for secondary school place will be 31st October 2023

Late applications can be completed via the following link here 

Appeal Process - Parents refused the school of their preference have the right of appeal.

The link for any appeals can be found here

Link for appeals form can be found here

Admission procedures are operated through West Sussex County Council.

Further information is available from:

Pupil Admissions Office
Admissions South
Bridge House
Floor 3
Barrington Road
West Sussex
BN12 4FP

Tel: 03330 142903
Fax: 01903 839214

Reviewed annually.

Policy Documents

DfE School Admissions Code

Sixth Form Admission detail can be found here