About Us
Chichester High School Sixth Form is one of the largest and most successful Sixth Forms in West Sussex. Our popularity is based on the very wide range of courses that we have on offer, and that our students achieve excellent results. We currently offer over 30 different courses - see Option Blocks for further details.
In 2019, there was an increase of students achieving A*-A grade’s from last year and 72% of students attained A*-C grades with an overall pass rate of 99%, which is higher than the national average.
95% of our students who applied, gained places at University with a good proportion gaining places at Russell Group Universities along with success at Oxford and Cambridge.
The Sixth Form is based on the Kingsham site with excellent study and social facilities and is the hub for Sixth Form life. As a totally integrated Sixth Form, our students are at the heart and soul of the school communities.
We offer a unique opportunity to the students who have been with us in Year 11. The buildings and teachers are already familiar, and there is also the 'newness' of meeting new friends.
For the large number of students who join us from other schools, we are able to welcome them into a well established, friendly and supportive environment where they will quickly be able to make new friends.
If you have any questions or would like to visit please contact the Sixth Form.