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What is TKAT ACE - A Champion for Every Child?

As a school, we are very pleased to be a part of a new project called ‘ACE - A Champion for Every Child’ that will be supporting all our Pupil Premium children and families.  Pupil Premium is the funding given to schools by the Government to support the progress of some of our children:

  • Children entitled to Free School Meals or those who have been entitled in the last six years
  • Children of Armed Service Personnel
  • Looked After Children and children who have been adopted since 2008
  • Those with a Special Guardianship Order or residence order.

The money is used to fund initiatives that will help those children reach their full potential, both academically and socially.  In our school, and other schools within TKAT, some of this funding is being used to support the ACE Project. ACE provides every child in receipt of Pupil Premium with an ACE Tutor who will meet with them individually and have regular contact with their family. 

What is an ACE Tutor? 

An ACE Tutor’s role is to support your child/children and yourselves. They may be able to link you up with other agencies and also offer extra opportunities in school, for example joining a club or supporting your child with an ambition or aspiration they may have. ACE Tutors will try and help with any barriers that might get in the way of your child becoming the best they can be.

ACE Tutors will not be teaching your child, but they will be listening, supporting, and seeking help if needed. Our ACE Tutors will also contact parents/carers regularly to talk about their child, offer support, guidance or just be a person to chat to. We really hope this will offer our children something new and exciting with lots of talk about their futures, their happiness, and their well-being. 

Who are our ACE Tutors at Chichester High School?

Mr Julian Boniface – CHS ACE Lead
Mrs Sue Lambourne - Lead ACE Tutor
Mrs Hollie Bailey
Mrs Chrissie Caton
Mrs Tanya Neville
Mrs Shona Paffey

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pictured left to right
Mrs Bailey, Mrs Neville, Mrs Lambourne, Mrs Caton and Mrs Paffey



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