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Our SENCo Lead is Mrs Mel Childs. 

I feel very privileged to be an Associate Vice Principal and the Special Educational Needs Co-ordination (SENCO) at Chichester High School. 

I hold a BA(Hons) in Physical Education with Qualified Teacher Status from the University of Chichester, the Post Graduate National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination, and have completed my Masters Degree in Special and Inclusive Education from the same university. 

I joined Chichester High School in July 2011 as the school SENCo. I have also been a Head of Year and have been in charge of student welfare. 

I feel very privileged to work in an outstanding school and feel very strongly about students receiving an outstanding education and being a valued member of the community regardless of their special educational needs or disability. 

You can contact Mrs Childs here

SEN Information report

Our Commitment:

Working together with parents, carers and students, all staff and governors will:

  • Provide access to a balanced and broadly based curriculum, including the National Curriculum and set suitable learning challenges for students.
  • Encourage students with disabilities and or special educational needs to engage in school activities together with all students.
  • Help them to overcome any potential barriers to assessment, learning or wider school activities.
  • Respond to the diverse learning needs of students.

The school SEN/D, Accessibility and Intimate Care policies can be found within our policy area.

Please click here to view the SEN information Report for CHS

Name  Position  Key Responsibilities

Mrs Naomi Lewry

Mr Nicholas Taylor (Lead DSL)

Co-Headteachers Overall responsibility of the provision of education for all students
Mrs Mel Childs SENCO/Assistant Headteacher Responsible for overseeing the day to day provision for students with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities
Mrs Jo Bailey

Appointed Governor

Chair of Governors

SEN Governor on Governing body who has responsibility of monitoring SEN provision

Mr Nicholas Taylor (Lead)

Mrs Naomi Lewry 

Mrs Julie Silcock

Miss Abigail Taylor

Mr James Freeman

Mrs Michelle Diplock

Mrs Jacqui Curtis

Mrs Tanya Neville

Designated Child Protection Leads (DSL) Ensuring the safeguarding of all students.